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Dapatkan tiket antrian online sebelum datang ke Kantor Pajak

Mulai 1 September 2020 bagi Wajib Pajak atau masyarakat yang akan memperoleh layanan tatap muka secara langsung di setiap kantor pajak agar terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan secara online untuk dapatkan tiket nomor antrian.

Daftar Alamat Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Seluruh Indonesia

KPP masih tutup hingga tanggal 14 Juni 2020. Bagi Anda yang perlu layanan dari KPP, dapat dilakukan secara online. Berikut ini daftar nomor telepon dan alamat email dari masing-masing KPP yang dapat melayani secara online.

Perbaharui Sertifikat Digital PKP Anda

Bagi Anda yang terdaftar sebagai Pengusaha Kena Pajak (PKP), segera cek Sertifikat Digital Anda, dan apabila akan jatuh tempo, segeralah perbaharui supaya tetap dapat menerbitkan eFaktur.

Mulai 1 Juli 2016 Setor Pajak Harus Pakai eBilling

Mulai 1 Juli 2016, seluruh pembayaran PPh dan PPN hanya dapat dilakukan secara elektronik dengan eBilling. Pembayaran secara manual menggunakan Formulir SSP sudah tidak diterima lagi di Bank/Kantor Pos.

Semua PKP Harus Menerbitkan Faktur Pajak Gunakan eFaktur

Mulai 1 Juli 2016, Pengusaha Kena Pajak di seluruh Indonesia harus menggunakan eFaktur untuk menerbitkan Faktur Pajak.

Cara Pengajuan SKB PP 46 Tahun 2013

Bagi Wajib Pajak dengan Peredaran Bruto tertentu yang telah dikenakan PPh yang bersifat final sebesar 1% dari omzet namun ternyata masih harus dipotong PPh yang bersifat tidak final oleh pihak pemberi penghasilan dapat mengajukan pembebasan dari pemotongan PPh tersebut.

Lapor SPT Tahunan Bagi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi

Setiap tahun menjelang tanggal 31 Maret, maka sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia akan diingatkan untuk memenuhi salah satu kewajibannya sebagai warga yang tinggal dan mendapatkan penghasilan di Indonesia, yaitu melaporkan pajak atas penghasilan yang diterima selama 1 tahun melalui Surat Pemberitahuan (SPT) Tahunan PPh Orang Pribadi.

Kewajiban Pembukuan Bagi Wajib Pajak Badan dengan Omzet Di Bawah Rp 4,8 Miliar

sesuai ketentuan, Wajib Pajak Badan yang memiliki peredaran usaha di bawah Rp 4,8 miliar dan memenuhi kriteria sebagai Wajib dengan peredaran usaha tertentu untuk menghitung PPh sebesar 1% dari peredaran usaha bruto tetap wajib menyelenggarakan pembukuan sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 28 UU KUP.

Formulir SPT Masa PPh Pasal 21 Terbaru untuk Tahun 2014

mulai 1 Januari 2014, bentuk Formulir 1721 (SPT Masa PPh Pasal 21/26) ini akan mengalami perubahan. Perubahan juga terjadi dalam hal tata cara pelaporannya. Perubahan ini dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor PER-14/PJ/2013 tanggal 18 April 2013

Kumpulan Peraturan Perpajakan

Daftar Peraturan Perpajakan terbaru dapat dibaca di artikel berikut.

Blog Tax Learning Terus Di-Update

Penulis menyadari bahwa tampilan lama blog Tax Learning sangat tidak menarik. Selain itu, beberapa fasilitas upload dokumen yang dimanfaatkan Penulis mengalami kendala seperti situs Multiply (yang sudah ditutup) dan situs Ziddu (saat ini semakin banyak virus dan spam). Untuk itu, Penulis berusaha untuk meng-update blog ini.

Selamat Atas Peresmian MRT Jakarta

Selamat atas peresmian angkutan masal cepat MRT Jakarta. Mari kita ciptakan budaya baru yang modern dalam menggunakan MRT Jakarta, yaitu budaya tertib, tepat waktu, menjaga kebersihan, dan keamanan transportasai umum kita.

Selamat Untuk Kontingen Indonesia di Asian Games dan Asian Para Games 2018

Selamat untuk kontingen Indonesia di Asian Games dan Asian Para Games 2018 yang sukses melampaui target dan menjadi juara. Indonesia Emas.

Tampilkan postingan dengan label Tax Administation-English version. Tampilkan semua postingan
Tampilkan postingan dengan label Tax Administation-English version. Tampilkan semua postingan

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008


The taxpayer has to pay the tax due to the state treasury via Post Office and/or a State Owned Bank or Local Government Owned Bank or any other place of payment stipulated by the Minister of Finance using tax payment slips (it’s called: Surat Setoran Pajak-SSP). (Article 10-paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

1. Payment of Monthly Installment Article 25 Income Tax

For Monthly Article 25 Income Tax Return, the monthly tax installment payment is due no later then 15 days from the end of the month. If the 15th is a public holiday, Saturday or Sunday, the due date is the following day (Article 9-paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

The amount of monthly installment which should be paid by taxpayer shall be equal to the tax due according to the annual income tax return for the preceding year, deducted by income tax under Article 21, 22, 23, and 24; then divided by 12 (twelve) or the number of months for part of the tax year. For the months before the due date of the annual income tax return (January-February), the amount of monthly Article 25 income tax shall be equal to such amount paid in the last month (December) of the preceding tax year.

For an individual taxpayer who is conducting a business or is an independent professional an has several places of business, the monthly Article 25 income tax payable in the current tax year shall be 1 % (one percent) of the monthly gross turnover from each place of business (Section 3 of Circular Letter No.: SE-14/PJ.41/2002 dated 7 August 2002).

For a new taxpayer who is conducting a business or is an independent professional, the monthly Article 25 income tax shall be equal to the income tax liability calculated using the normal tax rate on annualized net income, divided by 12 (twelve). The amount of that net income is previously deducted by the non-taxable income threshold amount (Article 2 of Minister of Finance Decree No.: 522/KMK.04/2000 dated 14 December 2000).

However, for a new taxpayer other than the above mentioned, the monthly Article 25 income tax shall be equal to the income tax liability calculated at 10% of annualized net income, divided by 12 (twelve). The amount of that net income is previously deducted by the non-taxable income threshold amount (Circular Letter Number SE-31/PJ.4/1995 dated June 21, 1995).

2. Payment of Annual Individual Tax Return Article 29 Income Tax

The tax underpayment based on the annual tax return should be paid by the 25th of the third month after the end of a tax year or part of a tax year, before the annual tax return is filed (Article 9-paragraph (2) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

3. Payment of Tax Assessment

Additional payments required as a result of a Tax Collection Letter (STP), Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKPKB), Additional Tax Underpayment Assessment (SKPKBT), or Tax Correction Notice, Decision Letter on Objection or Appeal should be paid at the latest one month from the date of issuance (Article 9-paragraph (3) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

4. Payment of Exit Tax

An individual taxpayer who travels abroad has to pay exit tax at a counter located at each point of departure from Indonesia through land, sea, and air. The tax is paid at the counter by using an Exit Tax Form or paid at the post office or a bank authorized to receive tax payments on behalf of the Director General of Taxation by using tax payment slip (SSP). (Article 25- paragraph (8) Law No. 17 Year 2000).

Kamis, 03 Juli 2008


Monthly and Annual Income Tax Return

After registering and obtaining the NPWP, a taxpayer has to file the following tax returns:

a. Monthly Article 25 income tax return using tax payment slips (SSP) at the latest 20 days from the end of the month. An individual who is not conducting a business or who is not an independent professional is exempted from filling the monthly returns.

b. Annual individual tax return (Form 1770; Form 1770 S; or Form 1770 SS) at the latest 3 months from the end of a tax year. The form 1770, form 1770 S and form 1770 SS can be obtained from the tax office or from Directorate General of Taxation (DGT) web page: www.pajak.go.id. (Article 3-paragraph (3) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

What the taxpayer should know before completing the tax return:

a. Every taxpayer has to complete the tax return in Bahasa Indonesia using Latin Letters, Arabic numerals, and Rupiah currency, then sign and file it at the tax office where the taxpayer is registered. (Article 3-paragraph (1) and (1) a Law No. 28 Year 2007).

b. A taxpayer has to complete and file a tax return correctly, thoroughly and clearly. The tax return has to be signed. (Article 4-paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

c. Where a tax return is completed and signed by a person other than the taxpayer, a power of attorney must be attached. (Article 4-paragraph (3) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

d. Completion of annual income tax return by taxpayers who have to maintain bookkeeping records must be accompanied by financial statements in the form of balance sheet and income statement as well as other information required to calculate the amount of taxable income.

(Article 4-paragraph (4) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

e. For filing of annual income tax return, a taxpayer has to attach a statement of assets and liabilities.

f. The filing of a tax return may be done by registered mail through the Post Office or by such other means as regulated by the decree of the Director General of Taxation. (Article 6-paragraph (2) Law No. 28 Year 2007).


1. What if the taxpayer is leaving Indonesia permanently or has applied for an Exit Permit Only to the Immigration Office?

A taxpayer should state in writing that an Exit Permit Only (EPO) will be forwarded to the tax office where he is registered, so that the tax office will not issue a tax collection letter due to non filling or non payment of the monthly Article 25 income tax.

2. The following are to be attached when submitting the deregistration form (now known as registration and change of data form):

a. Exit Permit Only (EPO)

b. Statement from the employer stating that a taxpayer’s contract in Indonesia has ended (for a taxpayer who is an employee)

c. Cancellation of business permit letter (for a tax payer who is conducting business or is an independent professional)

d. Power of attorney (if his/her deregistration process is handled by another party)

e. Original copy of taxpayer identification number card

Before forwarding the EPO, the taxpayer should fulfill other tax obligation such as:

a. Pay any tax due which has not been paid.

b. File an annual individual tax return for the year of departure, by providing a close approximation of his/her global income.

c. File applications for deregistration of NPWP.


Tax Identification Number (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak-NPWP)

1. What is a Tax Identification Number?

The Tax Identification Number (NPWP) is a number issued to taxpayers by the tax office to identify taxpayers and to assist them in fulfilling their tax obligations. (Article 1 - paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007).

2. How to get an NPWP

Taxpayer shall be obligated to register at the tax office in the district in which the taxpayer reside (Article 2-paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007) by submitting the following documents:

a. Registration and change of data form

b. Copy of passport

c. Copy of limited stay permit card (KITAS)

d. Copy of work permit (for taxpayer who is an employee)

e. Copy of tax identification number of the employer (for taxpayer who is an employee)

f. Power of attorney (if his/her registration process is done by another party)

g. Copy of business permit (for taxpayer who is conducting business or an independent professional)

An individual taxpayer who is an entrepreneur as mentioned in the Circular Letter of Director General of Taxation No.: SE-14/PJ.41/2002 is an individual who has several places of business activities. He/she is obligated to register in his/her place of business activities as follows:

a. A taxpayer who has several places of business activities in one operational area of the tax office must register each place of business in each related tax office.

b. A taxpayer who has several places of business activities located in the districts of several tax offices must register each place of business in each related tax office.

How to registration a NPWP via internet or online registration? You can see this journal.

3. What if taxpayer does not want to register?

a. The Director General of Taxation has the authority to issue an NPWP officially. (Article 2-paragraph (4) Law No. 16 Year 2000)

b. If a taxpayer fails to register intentionally resulting in loses to the state revenue, he/she shall be sentenced to imprisonment for period not exceeding 6 years and shall be subject to a fine for an amount not exceeding four times the tax unpaid/underpaid. (Article 39-paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007)

4. What if there is a change in taxpayer’s data?

A taxpayer may inform the tax office of any change in his data (such as change of address, change of employer, etc.) by filling the registration and change of data form at the tax office where the taxpayer is registered.

Category of an Individual Taxpayer

1. Resident

A resident tax subject shall be:

- An individual residing in Indonesia or

- An individual who is present in Indonesia for more than 183 days in any 12 month period, or

- An individual who is present in Indonesia in a tax year with an intention to reside in Indonesia.

2. Non-Resident

A non-resident tax subject shall be:

An individual not residing in Indonesia or who is present in Indonesia for not more than 183 days in any 12 month period.

- who is conducting a business or carrying out activities through a fixedbased in Indonesia.

- who derives income from Indonesia other than from conducting business or carrying out activities through a fixed based in Indonesia.

A taxpayer is an individual or a body which, pursuant to the provisions in the tax law, is required to fulfill tax obligations, including tax collection or tax withholding of certain taxes. (Article 1 paragraph (1) Law No. 28 Year 2007).